31 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK PT. Dharmatama Megah Finance Cabang Bandung yang beralamat di jalan Lengkong Besar No. 141 Bandung, yang bergerak dalam bidang perkreditan mobil. Saat ini permasalahan yang dihadapi yaitu, tidak tercapainya target penagihan pegawai kolektor dikarnakan belum mampuh memanfaatkan waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk melaksanakan penagihan dan masi rendahnya kuantitas kerja pegawai kolektor. Permasalahan tersebut diduga disebabkan kurangnya pemberiaan insentif dari sosial insentif berupa pasilitas kendaraan dinas dan dar material insentif berupa upah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh insentif terhadap prestasi kerja pegawai PT Dharmatama Megah Finance Cabang Bandung (pada studi kasus dibagian kolektor). Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik kepustakaan. Observasi, wawancara dan angket. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa pengaruh insentif terhadap prestasi kerja pegawai pada PT. Dharmatama Megah Finance Cabang Bandung (Studi kasus Pada Bagian Kolektor), analisis koefisien korelasi yang diperoleh melalui perhitungan Rank Sperman sebesar . 0,694 dan titik kritis untuk n = 32 adalah 0,349, a = 0,05 atau 5%. Maka melalui uji hipotesis antara insentif dengan prestasi kerja memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, selain itu di dapat pula koefisien determinasi sebesar 48,16 %. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa insentif memiliki pengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja, dan sisannya sebesar 51,84% adalah variabel-variabel lain selain pengaruh insentif terhadap prestasi kerja pegawai pada PT. Dharmatama Megah Finance Cabang Bandung (Studi Kasus Pada Bagian Kolektor). Hambatan yang dialami oleh PT. Dharmatama Megah Finance Cabang Bandung, dalam melaksanakan pemberian insentif kurang memiliki angaran yang cukup dan kurang adanya perhatian kepada pegawainya, baik berupa pemberian sosial insentif, yaitu berupa fasilitas, kurangnya sarana transporatsi sebagai alat untuk melaksanakan penagihan, kurang termotivasinya pegawai berakibat tethadap waktu penagihan menjadi lambat, dan material insentif berupa upah uang jalan kurang diberikan sesuai dengan situasi dan lokasi penagihan, kurang termotivasinya pegawai berakibat terhadap kuantitas penagihan jadi menurun. Saran-saran yang dapat peneliti kemukakan yaitu perusahaan lebih mementingkan pemberian sosial insentif berupa pasilitas kendaraan untuk kegiatan penagihan, melaksanakan pengawasan lebih ketat terhadap waktu kerja pegawai, menerapkan sangsi bagi yang melanggarnya dan dalam memberikan material insentif berupa upah harus sesuai terhadap pegawainya. Hal ini untuk memotivasi keja pegawai agar meningkatkan kuantitas yang dihasilkan saat melaksanakan penagihan dan dapat meningkatkan prestasi. Kata Kunci : Insentif Prestasi kerja

    Spatial Distribution Analysis of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) using PlanetScope Data in Menjer Lake, Wonosobo Regency

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    TSS (Total Suspended Solid) is one of the optical parameters that can be used for turbidity key indicator to assess water quality. The rapid development of remote sensing technology in the field of mapping has resulted in various methods for estimating TSS concentrations. The spatial, spectral, and temporal characteristics of PlanetScope data have the potential to estimate TSS concentrations. This study aims to determine the best method for estimating TSS concentrations and mapping the spatial distribution of TSS at a depth of 0 ā€“ 0.2 m using PlanetScope data. There are 4 single bands, 12 band ratio combinations, and 4 PC-bands in TSS mapping. Single bands, band ratio combinations, and PC-band which able to pass the significance limit of r value on the number of samples (n) are used in empirical modeling of PlanetScope data with field data using regression tests. The results show that: 1) 4 band ratio combinations (B1/B4, B2/B4, B3/B4, B4/B3) and one PC-band (PC-2) significantly correlated with TSS (mg/l), 2) PC-2 is the best spectral transformation in estimating TSS concentrations in Menjer Lake, indicated by the SE value of 3.47 mg/l with maximum accuracy produced at 78.62%, 3) all models that significantly correlated are over-estimated, indicated by the variations in model plots are below the 1:1 plot line, 4) high TSS concentrations are in the north, west, and south around the edge of the lake because of the inlets and the floating net cages, while the low concentration is in the middle of the lake


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    ABSTRAKĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) saat ini bisa dibilang sebagai motor penggerak roda perekonomian bangsa. Pengangguran banyak diserap, meski tidak terlihat tapi itu nyata. Untuk melebarkan sayap usaha, UMKM perlu dorongan supaya bisa terus berkembang sehingga kestabilanĀ ekonomiĀ negeri tetap terjaga. Hal itu tentu saja perlu perhatian dari pihak terkait sehingga umkm tidak lagij alan di tempat melainkan melaju pesat. Revolusi industri 4.0 yang cenderung memasarkan memasarkan produknya di pasar ekspor atau pasar global, oleh karna itu para pengusaha UMKM ini perlu diberi arahan dan informasi bagaimana memasuki pasar ekspor-mister exporter dengan sasaran kegiatan memberikan Edukasi dan Pembinaan Prosedur dan Standarisasi UMKM dalam Memasuki Pasar Global seperti: Bagaimana mengembangkan bisnis UMKM agar siap bersaing dengan pasar global,bagaimana tahapan prosedur ekspor dan Standarisasi produk UMKM ini dapat memasuki Pasar Global, Memahami dan menganalisa karakteristik budaya untuk penetrasi pasar Internasional dengan memahami bagaimana karakteristik dari masing ā€“ masing negara yang berbeda. Tujuan Kegiatan Menciptakan UMKM Unggul dalam Menghadapi Pasar Global. Metode pelaksanaan PKM dengan Pemaparan Materi, Forum diskusi dan Tanya Jawab dengan virtual conference menggunakan Zoom Meeting berkaitan dengan pandemic corona. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah para Pengusaha UMKM di Wilayah Kota Bandung.Ā Kata Kunci: Perkembangan Bisnis Pasar Global, Prosedur Ekspor, Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Standarisasi, Produk Ekspor, Analisa Karakteristik Budaya Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Suatu Negara

    Monitoring of an Indonesian Tropical Wetland by Machine Learning-Based Data Fusion of Passive and Active Microwave Sensors

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    In this study, a novel data fusion approach was used to monitor the water-body extent in a tropical wetland (Lake Sentarum, Indonesia). Monitoring is required in the region to support the conservation of water resources and biodiversity. The developed approach, random forest database unmixing (RFDBUX), makes use of pixel-based random forest regression to overcome the limitations of the existing lookup-table-based approach (DBUX). The RFDBUX approach with passive microwave data (AMSR2) and active microwave data (PALSAR-2) was used from 2012 to 2017 in order to obtain PALSAR-2-like images with a 100 m spatial resolution and three-day temporal resolution. In addition, a thresholding approach for the obtained PALSAR-2-like backscatter coefficient images provided water body extent maps. The validation revealed that the spatial patterns of the images predicted by RFDBUX are consistent with the original PALSAR-2 backscatter coefficient images (r = 0.94, RMSE = 1.04 in average), and that the temporal pattern of the predicted water body extent can track the wetland dynamics. The PALSAR-2-like images should be a useful basis for further investigation of the hydrological/climatological features of the site, and the proposed approach appears to have the potential for application in other tropical regions worldwide

    The Effect of Green Supply Chain Management on Customer Effectiveness in the Presence of Environment Orientation and Supply Chain Orientation

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    The purpose of the study is to define the effect of environment orientation on GSCM, to discuss the supply chain orientation on GSCM, to determine the effect of GSCM on customer effectiveness and the mediating role of GSCM between environment orientation, SCO and customer effectiveness. This is a quantitatively study and 5point Likert scale is used to collect the data. Random sampling technique is used on the 200 respondents from Indonesia manufacturing firms. PLS3 is used to analyze the data. This study concludes that customer effectiveness can be enhanced though the perception of taking environmental friendly steps from the organization. HR plays the pivotal role in this regard in forming the strategy to boost the GSCM

    An application of Bayesian Belief Networks to assess management scenarios for aquaculture in a complex tropical lake system in Indonesia

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    A Bayesian Belief Network, validated using past observational data, is applied to conceptualize the ecological response of Lake Maninjau, a tropical lake ecosystem in Indonesia, to tilapia cage farms operating on the lake and to quantify its impacts to assist decision making. The model captures ecosystem services trade-offs between cage farming and native fish loss. It is used to appraise options for lake management related to the minimization of the impacts of the cage farms. The constructed model overcomes difficulties with limited data availability to illustrate the complex physical and biogeochemical interactions contributing to triggering mass fish kills due to upwelling and the loss in the production of native fish related to the operation of cage farming. The model highlights existing information gaps in the research related to the management of the farms in the study area, which is applicable to other tropical lakes in general. Model results suggest that internal phosphorous loading (IPL) should be recognized as one of the primary targets of the deep eutrophic tropical lake restoration efforts. Theoretical and practical contributions of the model and model expansions are discussed. Short- and longer-term actions to contribute to a more sustainable management are recommended and include epilimnion aeration and sediment capping

    The impact of land-use and climate change on water and sediment yields in Batanghari Watershed, Sumatra, Indonesia

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    The Batanghari River flows from the province of West Sumatra into the West Coast of Jambi, with the main river extending up to 870 km. Also, the Batanghari watershed Land use changes have shown a decreasing forest cover and an increasing agricultural area. Therefore, this study aims to calculate the impact of land use and climate change on water and sediment yield using Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) hydrological modeling. Land-use change analysis was performed with projections in 2040 while, near future and future climate projections under Representative Concentration Pathway (R.C.P.) 4.5 and 8.5 were used for global climate change scenarios. The results show a changing pattern of growing agricultural area and decreasing forest area in 1990, 1997, 2005, 2015, and 2040. SWAT hydrological model used for the simulation was calibrated automatically with SWAT-CUP and the results were validated on good criteria. The sensitivity analysis results showed that effective hydraulic conductivity in main channel alluvium (CH_K2) and Base flow alfa factor (Alfa_BF) formed the most sensitive parameters for discharge. Furthermore, the model simulation showed an increase in surface runoff and a decrease in lateral flow and base flow due to land-use changes, which increased sediment loading over time. The impact of climate change on water and sediment yield increased the average flow discharge ratio, resulting in more frequent droughts and floods events


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